旺角上海街670號上海大廈 17/F B 室, 1房兩廳. 開揚遠景和園景. 由旺角快富街地鐵出口行三分鐘到大廈. 不是平地lift. 實用面積326呎. 漏寫電梯16字上一層樓. 英文17th floor. 中文18樓 間隔四正 市區中心 旺中帶靜 樓下有巴士、小巴站,交通便利 p.p1 {margin: 0.0px 0.0px 0.0px 0.0px; font: 12.0px 'Han
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尖沙咀麼地道海景大廈兩房,有露台,建築面積380呎,租13800,中層 p.p1 {margin: 0.0px 0.0px 0.0px 0.0px; font: 12.0px 'Hannotate TC'; -webkit-text-stroke: #000000}span.s1 {font-kerning: none} 有岩既話可馬上致電預約睇樓 尚有大量租盤售盤,遍佈全港九新界 盡量幫
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位於尖沙咀核心地帶 鄰近港鐵站 非常方便 300呎 間隔實用 p.p1 {margin: 0.0px 0.0px 0.0px 0.0px; font: 12.0px 'Hannotate TC'; -webkit-text-stroke: #000000}span.s1 {font-kerning: none} 有岩既話可馬上致電預約睇樓 尚有大量租盤售盤,遍佈全港九新界盡量幫你搵到心水盤 有
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Here is the product list to be posted you advice them to contact via mail We sell and provide high quality and chemical purity and research power plant in both small and large quantities bellow is the

Here is the product list to be posted you advice them to contact via mail We sell and provide high quality and chemical purity and research power plant in both small and large quantities bellow is the

Pedigree English bulldogs .ready for their new homes We have 11 females and 4 male available he is solid blue, females are blue (no brindle )with some white markings on chest and toes very solid puppi

2008 honda civic EX Good condition, everything in this car works as it should. Recently serviced with all new fluids, brakes, tires, and A/C recharge. this is a very clean and well cared for car.

2008 honda civic EX Good condition, everything in this car works as it should. Recently serviced with all new fluids, brakes, tires, and A/C recharge. this is a very clean and well cared for car.

開揚大花園,開放廚房,獨立廁所,可BBQ,可作小型裁種,可養寵物,十分歡迎狗狗和貓貓。 行15-20分鐘可到上水火車站,5分鐘有巴士出港鐵站。 一房一廳一廁 超荀租 快者得! 安裝了全新冷氣,沒有其他家具,可自己添置。 房間190尺,花園連廚房連廁所300尺。 水電用者自付。不收佣金。不作任何額外收費。

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